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Home » Glossary » Agent Satisfaction Survey (ASAT) Score

Agent Satisfaction Survey (ASAT) Score


What is an agent satisfaction survey (ASAT)?

Agent Satisfaction survey (ASAT) score is the proportion of customer service agents who are happy or very satisfied with their work. It is normally assessed using an agent satisfaction survey once a year or twice a year. 

The metric helps in measuring an organization’s attempts to improve employee engagement. Agent satisfaction can seem to be an intangible concept. Organizations that have taken steps to enhance it have found that community and workplace specificities play a major role in assessing overall satisfaction.

The following is the procedure for finding the agent satisfaction survey score:

  • Agents, leads, and supervisors should be surveyed.
  • Every quarter, everybody is surveyed.
  • Allow someone from outside the support team to perform the survey to analyze and summarize the results.
  • Take action on survey results
What is an agent satisfaction survey (ASAT)

Importance of agent satisfaction survey score?

Agent satisfaction is a leading indicator that influences many other customer service indicators. It is positively linked to customer satisfaction and negatively related to agent turnover and absenteeism, implying that absenteeism and turnover decrease as agent satisfaction increases.

Finding the agent satisfaction (ASAT) survey score is an easy way to find how satisfied the agents are. It can be as simple as asking support agents how much they like or hate their work, but you’ll discover more by delving deeper into the nuances of their responsibilities.

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About Derek Gallimore

Derek Gallimore has been in business for 20 years, outsourcing for over eight years, and has been living in Manila (the heart of global outsourcing) since 2014. Derek is the founder and CEO of Outsource Accelerator, and is regarded as a leading expert on all things outsourcing.

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