Percent Abandoned
What is Percent Abandoned?
The percent abandoned or abandoned rate is the number of tasks that are left by the user before the planned job is completed. For example, a customer who makes an inbound call becomes frustrated with the wait time and hangs up before an agent can respond. Customers attempting to chat can even abandon the chat session if their calls are abandoned in the IVR.
Importance of percent abandoned
It is important to track the call center’s abandonment regularly whether you are a call center officer, a contact center manager, or a company owner. The percent abandoned rate is one of the main call center measures that can be used to determine the performance of your call center.
It is also a measurement of the quality of support you offer to your callers. A low call abandonment rate indicates that the majority of the callers are being attended to. On the other hand, a high call abandonment rate shows that you need to reconsider your call center policy.
Acceptable percent abandoned
First, determine if the abandonment rate is less than 4% or greater than 8%. Then, use the abandon queue time to determine if your team wants to perform more effectively, whether you need to recruit and train more employees, or whether you need to adjust what callers hear while on hold. Following these adjustments, you would have satisfied consumers and more productive workers.